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7.7 Ratatouille


A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a ...

2007 Animation 111 min Play
7.3 The Adventures of Errol Flynn

The Adventures of Errol Flynn

A documentary about the life of Errol Flynn, with recollections from friends and family.

2005 Documentary 87 min Play
7.7 D-Day 6.6.1944

D-Day 6.6.1944

On June 6th, 1944 the largest military invasion and defence the world has ever seen occurred. D-Day tells the epic story of the preparation and execution of the Allied invasion of Normandy. It tells the story of the defence of the Western Front by the forces of the German Empire, and of the complex and deadly secret war fought by the men and women of France and mainland Europe. D-Day brings to life the dramatic and astounding tales of courage and sacrifice, joy and despair, love and ...

2004 Documentary 119 min Play
7.2 Garden State

Garden State

Andrew returns to his hometown for the funeral of his mother, a journey that reconnects him with past friends. The trip coincides with his decision to stop taking his powerful antidepressants. A chance meeting with Sam - a girl also suffering from various maladies - opens up the possibility of rekindling emotional attachments, confronting his psychologist father, and perhaps beginning a new life.

2004 Comedy 102 min Play
6.3 Prisoner of Paradise

Prisoner of Paradise

The film tells the true story of Kurt Gerron, a German-Jewish cabaret and film actor in the 1920s and 1930s who was sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp where he was commanded to write and direct a Nazi propaganda film.

2003 Documentary 96 min Play
6.7 From Hell

From Hell

Frederick Abberline is an opium-huffing inspector from Scotland Yard who falls for one of Jack the Ripper's prostitute targets in this Hughes brothers adaption of a graphic novel that posits the Ripper's true identity.

2001 Horror 122 min Play
6.6 Joe Gould’s Secret

Joe Gould’s Secret

Around 1940, New Yorker staff writer Joe Mitchell meets Joe Gould, a Greenwich Village character who cadges meals, drinks, and contributions to the Joe Gould Fund and who is writing a voluminous Oral History of the World, a record of 20,000 conversations he's overheard. Mitchell is fascinated with this Harvard grad and writes a 1942 piece about him, "Professor Seagull," bringing Gould some celebrity and an invitation to join the Greenwich Village Ravens, a poetry club he's often crashed. ...

2000 Drama 104 min Play
6.2 The Last of the Blonde Bombshells

The Last of the Blonde Bombshells

After Elizabeth's husband dies, she begins to play her tenor saxophone again, and remembers when she was 15 and a member of the Blonde Bombshells, an all-girl (with one exception) swing band. Accompanied by the exception and urged on by her grand-daughter, Elizabeth hunts up all the old members of the band and urges them to perform, and in doing so, learns more than she knew about the band, its members, the roses on the drum set, and herself--the last of the Blonde Bombshells.

2000 Comedy 84 min Play
5.6 Esther Kahn

Esther Kahn

A Jewish girl in 19th century London dreams of becoming a stage actress.

2000 Drama 163 min Play
5.5 Wisconsin Death Trip

Wisconsin Death Trip

Wisconsin Death Trip is an intimate, shocking and sometimes hilarious account of the disasters that befell one small town in Wisconsin during the final decade of the 19th century. The film is inspired by Michael Lesy's book of the same name which was first published in 1973. Lesy discovered a striking archive of black and white photographs in the town of Black River Falls dating from the 1890s and married a selection of these images to extracts from the town's newspaper from the same ...

1999 Documentary 76 min Play
6.9 eXistenZ


A game designer on the run from assassins must play her latest virtual reality creation with a marketing trainee to determine if the game has been damaged.

1999 Action 97 min Play
7 The Sweet Hereafter

The Sweet Hereafter

A small mountain community in Canada is devastated when a school bus accident leaves more than a dozen of its children dead. A big-city lawyer arrives to help the survivors' and victims' families prepare a class-action suit, but his efforts only seem to push the townspeople further apart. At the same time, one teenage survivor of the accident has to reckon with the loss of innocence brought about by a different kind of damage.

1997 Drama 112 min Play
7.5 The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element

In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.

1997 Action 126 min Play
6.2 Night Falls on Manhattan

Night Falls on Manhattan

A newly elected District attorney finds himself in the middle of a police corruption investigation that may involve his father and his partner.

1996 Crime 113 min Play
5.5 Loch Ness

Loch Ness

Dr. Dempsey is an American scientist who has become a skeptic. He isn't enthusiastic to be sent by his employer to Scotland to (dis)prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster. He finds the locals stubborn, 'primitive' and all but hospitable, not in the least because the Nessie legend is the only tourist attraction. He still gets romantically attracted by his independent inn-keeper Laura, and both her kid and his local assistant end up making him face a small family of Nessie-dinosaurs, ...

1996 Drama 101 min Play
6.8 The Madness of King George

The Madness of King George

King George III's erratic behaviour leads to a plot in Parliament to have him declared insane and removed from the throne.

1994 Comedy 107 min Play
6.6 The Hour of The Pig

The Hour of The Pig

Black comedy about 15th-century Paris lawyer Richard Courtois (Firth) who decides to apply his trade in the country, only to find things stranger than he can imagine. His first case turns out to be defending a pig that's accused of murdering a child. The pig is owned by the beautiful gypsy Samira (Annabi), who, the idealistic lawyer finds himself falling in love (or lust) with. A Gothic tale with religion, superstition, power struggles, and ignorance as a backdrop.

1993 Comedy 112 min Play
5.6 Blue Ice

Blue Ice

An ex-British spy (Michael Caine) helps a U.S. diplomat's wife (Sean Young) and blows the lid off a deadly government cover-up.

1992 Action 105 min Play
7 Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch

Blank-faced bug killer Bill Lee and his dead-eyed wife, Joan, like to get high on Bill's pest poisons while lounging with Beat poet pals. After meeting the devilish Dr. Benway, Bill gets a drug made from a centipede. Upon indulging, he accidentally kills Joan, takes orders from his typewriter-turned-cockroach, ends up in a constantly mutating Mediterranean city and learns that his hip friends have published his work -- which he doesn't remember writing.

1991 Crime 115 min Play
7 Another Woman

Another Woman

Marion is a woman who has learned to shield herself from her emotions. She rents an apartment to work undisturbed on her new book, but by some acoustic anomaly she can hear all that is said in the next apartment in which a psychiatrist holds his office. When she hears a young woman tell that she finds it harder and harder to bear her life, Marion starts to reflect on her own life. After a series of events she comes to understand how her unemotional attitude towards the people around her ...

1988 Drama 84 min Play
6.7 Dreamchild


Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of the Lewis Carroll's classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell (the book's inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters she was once so amused by. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with the shy author/professor in a new way and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old.

1985 Drama 94 min Play
6.2 Wetherby


The mysterious death of an enigmatic young man newly arrived in the suburb of Wetherby releases the long-repressed, dark passions of some of its residents.

1985 Drama 102 min Play
6.1 Dance with a Stranger

Dance with a Stranger

Based on the true story of Ruth Ellis, the last woman hanged in Britain, Mike Newell's Dance With a Stranger (1985) concentrates on Ellis's (Richardson) short-lived relationship with motor-racing driver David Blakely (Rupert Everett).

1985 Crime 102 min Play
6.3 Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes

A shipping disaster in the 19th Century has stranded a man and woman in the wilds of Africa. The lady is pregnant, and gives birth to a son in their tree house. Soon after, a family of apes stumble across the house and in the ensuing panic, both parents are killed. A female ape takes the tiny boy as a replacement for her own dead infant, and raises him as her son. Twenty years later, Captain Phillippe D'Arnot discovers the man who thinks he is an ape. Evidence in the tree house leads him to ...

1984 Action 143 min Play